Things I've been working on

A lot going on during these crazy pandemic times. I currently work for a tech company. You can find that information here.

This blog is really just a place for me to track my learning as I continue to develop skills. I've been pretty bad so far at maintaining a blog, but it's mostly because some of the other platforms I used just didn't offer some of the things I wanted. WordPress was popular, but I didn't feel like focusing too much on setting things up. I also tried out Jekyll, and writing in markdown is cool, but the process was a bit tedious, IMO, as my main focus is to write the content and not so much on being a web-designer.

Right now, I am just working on updating things and figuring out what my first real post will be.

Oh, yeah, as to what I've been working on:

  • Hack the Box
  • Increasing my Python knowledge
  • Ansible

Whatever else interests me at the moment.